Teresa Brewer All Her Hits and More
... (Array, 173 elements)
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store-name (String, 36 characters ) Dyna Music Entertainment Corporation
store-url (String, 29 characters ) https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/
store-link (String, 80 characters ) <a href="https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/">Dyna Mu...
<a href="https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/">Dyna Music Entertainment Corporation</a>
store-owner (String, 0 characters )
store-email (String, 20 characters ) dynamusic1@gmail.com
store-phone (String, 14 characters ) 632-1155 to 59
store-fax (String, 0 characters )
store-address (String, 151 characters ) Dyna Music Entertainment Corporation<br />Unit ...
Dyna Music Entertainment Corporation<br />Unit 2801, 28/F, AIC Burgundy Empire Tower, ADB Avenue<br />Ortigas Center<br />Pasig City, Metro Manila 1605
store-help-url (String, 32 characters ) https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/faq
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title-raw (String, 35 characters ) Teresa Brewer All Her Hits and More
node-path-raw (String, 55 characters ) music/teresa-brewer/teresa-brewer-all-her-hits-...
node-path (String, 55 characters ) music/teresa-brewer/teresa-brewer-all-her-hits-...
node-url (String, 84 characters ) https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/music/teresa-brewe...
author-uid (String, 1 characters ) 3
author-name (String, 7 characters ) manager
author-name-raw (String, 7 characters ) manager
author-mail (String, 21 characters ) dynamusic02@gmail.com
author-mail-raw (String, 21 characters ) dynamusic02@gmail.com
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log (String, 0 characters )
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mod-since (String, 15 characters ) 1 year 34 weeks
term (String, 10 characters ) Audiophile
term-raw (String, 10 characters ) Audiophile
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vocab-raw (String, 12 characters ) Music: Media
vocab-id (String, 1 characters ) 2
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field_text_album_catalogue-raw (String, 11 characters ) AP224150-02
field_text_album_catalogue-formatted (String, 0 characters )
field_ref_artist-nid (String, 3 characters ) 206
field_ref_artist-title (String, 13 characters ) Teresa Brewer
field_ref_artist-title-raw (String, 13 characters ) Teresa Brewer
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field_ref_artist-url (String, 48 characters ) https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/music/teresa-brewer
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field_image_album_art-filefield-filepath (String, 53 characters ) sites/default/files/album-art/ap_224_150-2_edit...
field_image_album_art-filefield-fileurl (String, 82 characters ) https://www.dynamusic.com.ph/sites/default/file...
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field_date_release-m (String, 0 characters )
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field_text_teaser-raw (NULL)
field_text_teaser-formatted (String, 0 characters )
field_text_artist_generic-raw (String, 453 characters ) <span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong> </s...
<span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong> </strong></span> <span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><strong>GENRE:</strong> Jazz, Pop, Standard</span> <span style="color: #ffcc00; font-size: medium;"><strong>DESCRIPTION:</strong> Vocal, Traditional Pop</span> <strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><span style="font-size: medium;">AVAILABLE FORMAT:</span> <span style="font-size: large;">AUDIOPHILE CD</span></span></strong>
field_text_artist_generic-formatted (String, 0 characters )
model (String, 11 characters ) AP224150-02
list_price (String, 10 characters ) 3995.00000
cost (String, 7 characters ) 0.00000
sell_price (String, 7 characters ) 2995.00
weight_units (String, 2 characters ) kg
weight-raw (String, 3 characters ) 0.1
weight (String, 6 characters ) 0.1 kg
length_units (String, 2 characters ) cm
length-raw (String, 4 characters ) 14.5
length (String, 7 characters ) 14.5 cm
width-raw (String, 2 characters ) 13
width (String, 5 characters ) 13 cm
height-raw (String, 1 characters ) 1
height (String, 4 characters ) 1 cm
revision-uuid (String, 36 characters ) d5958b70-03c3-11eb-bd48-ac1f6b779704
author-uuid (String, 36 characters ) beb0b5c7-03c3-11eb-bd48-ac1f6b779704
termpath (String, 10 characters ) Audiophile
termpath-raw (String, 10 characters ) Audiophile
termalias (String, 10 characters ) audiophile
termalias-raw (String, 10 characters ) audiophile
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